churchwell Pediatric Dentistry

(901) 854-9555

Quality Dental Care for Your Children in a Caring, Fun Environment

Welcome to the office of Drs. Caroline and Molly Churchwell. Our doctors are sisters and are both board certified specialists in pediatric dentistry. Our office opened in 1995 and is dedicated to providing the highest quality care in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. 

Dental Services

General & Preventative

Following the American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guidelines, we like to start seeing children when they are about a year old. This allows us to detect any potential problems and address them early.

Restorative Services

Dr. Caroline or Dr. Molly will thoroughly assess your child’s teeth and mouth, and then work with you to develop a restorative dental plan, if necessary. Our approach is non-intimidating, non-judgmental, and very gentle. Remember, our primary goal is to make your child smile!

Patient Comfort/Sedation

Dr. Caroline and Dr. Molly are trained to administer oral sedation and nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to help your child relax. The American Dental Association endorses sedation as an effective way to make many patients comfortable during their dental visit.

Hospital Dentistry

An experienced health care provider, specifically trained in delivering general anesthesia, is responsible for the general anesthesia delivery, monitoring and medical care of the child.

Thumb, Finger, Pacifer Habits

Most children can be expected to cease sucking their thumbs, pacifiers, or other objects by 24 to 36 months of age. We will carefully monitor the way your child’s teeth erupt and jaws develop at each visit.

Space Maintainers

Primary, or baby, teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. Our dentists use custom-made space maintainers to stop movement and guide permanent teeth into their ideal position.


What Our Parents Say About Us